Everybody knows, I love a good series. So, for the next few nights we will be following this great series on Love by Elihu.

Blessings and enjoy!

Elihu's Corner

God's love is everlasting

We long to be loved, don’t we?

Unfortunately, we tend to spend most of our time “looking for love in all the wrong places.”

We expect our best friends to manifest their unwavering loyalty, only to be wounded when they seem to have forgotten us. We seek approval on social media, and inevitably come up short. We long for our spouse to love us with fervent devotion, but illness, stress, and apathy so often weaken the intensity of their love.

Human love is capricious, but the love of God endures forever.

The words in the above verse, “I have loved you with an everlasting love,” are spoken by the only One who can speak them with absolute truth and confidence.

In your daily bible study, take note of the countless times God demonstrates His love. Commit such verses to your heart. Write them down and memorize them. When dark times…

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