Join me in prayers for brother Vincent his ministry here is so great not to mention just being good brother in Christ


Hey everyone, we’ll the last 2 days have been interesting to say the least.

The last 60 days I’ve been struggling with some chest pain, after a visit with my Cardiologist we were waiting for approval for a cardio-catheter test to be approved. Well, after walking from the living room to the kitchen, 911 needed to be called Wednesday night. God bless those men and women, they were part of everyone saving my life.

The tests were done and 3 blockages were revealed. The doctors were amazed I was still alive. An Angioplasty catheter was successfully performed and 2 stents have been inserted, 1 more to be done in the upcoming weeks.

Pastor Jim at Domain for Truth and Brother Wally thank you for all your prayers, I love you guys. Now that I’m making this known to everyone, please join in Prayer, not just me but for all us.

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